The Secret of Intercession with some major trepidation.
And it's all for fleshy reasons. With some of the heartbreaking goings on in the world these days, it's been hard for me to think Christlike. It's been hard for me to pray for some transgressors.
And that's unfortunate considering this is a vital staple of being an intercessor. It's easy to pray for those we love, those who aim to do right and walk good, giving, loving paths.
It's not so easy to do that for those who commit heinous crimes, those who might do any number of things we deem wrong.
A few months ago, a major altercation presented itself directly where I live, and it left me shaken, scared, angry, and full of rage. After the tears washed away some of the fear, what was left was this vigilante that wanted to rip and run the streets, find the person that had shaken my world terribly, and take. him. down.
Sometimes, even now, when my mind chooses to flash back to that, those violent, angry thoughts come rushing back, too.
It wasn't until I talked with a pastor friend of mine that I found myself somewhat humbled by my previous thoughts.
After she let me get all my feelings out, all the snot and tears, she said, "May I pray..."
"Yes," I interrupted.
"...for him?" she finished.
Now, knowing this strong prayer warrior and lover of God, I was not shocked by her question. The situation I was in, the mind frame I was in, made me shocked by what she asked.
"Yes," I muttered, not really wanting to hear her prayer.
But I listened.
Her act of prayer showed what it means for us when we choose to pray for the transgressors.
With intercession, we are in a partnership with Christ. As such, our minds here on earth as intercessors must be in one accord with Christ in heaven.
Murray concludes this chapter by asking, In Christ's ultimate sacrifice of Himself, He demonstrated His great love for sinners. How can we, as His followers, show our love for those who are lost in this world?
I think the previous paragraph does a great in answering this question.
Being God-focused and Christ-focused is essential. If we can stay rooted in them, we can be walking, talking embodiments of them here on earth. With them within us, we are more likely to pray for those who are lost, more likely to listen to those who are lost, more likely to comfort those who are lost, and more likely to walk, talk, and live in a way that shines God and Jesus to all we come in contact with. And sometimes, even just that is enough. It's not about beating people into submission and making them fall in line. Our words and our actions to live a good Godly life can move others to want to follow Jesus and work on their lives in a way so that they are in accord with him.
While on Facebook, a short message from Joel Osteen came across my newsfeed; I don't find it coincidental considering I was working on this post at the time. I think it does a good job in succinctly stating what we are to do:
Other Posts in The Secret of Intercession series
I have to say that I come to Day 11 of Andrew Murray's And it's all for fleshy reasons. With some of the heartbreaking goings on in the world these days, it's been hard for me to think Christlike. It's been hard for me to pray for some transgressors.
And that's unfortunate considering this is a vital staple of being an intercessor. It's easy to pray for those we love, those who aim to do right and walk good, giving, loving paths.
It's not so easy to do that for those who commit heinous crimes, those who might do any number of things we deem wrong.
A few months ago, a major altercation presented itself directly where I live, and it left me shaken, scared, angry, and full of rage. After the tears washed away some of the fear, what was left was this vigilante that wanted to rip and run the streets, find the person that had shaken my world terribly, and take. him. down.
Sometimes, even now, when my mind chooses to flash back to that, those violent, angry thoughts come rushing back, too.
It wasn't until I talked with a pastor friend of mine that I found myself somewhat humbled by my previous thoughts.
After she let me get all my feelings out, all the snot and tears, she said, "May I pray..."
"Yes," I interrupted.
"...for him?" she finished.
Now, knowing this strong prayer warrior and lover of God, I was not shocked by her question. The situation I was in, the mind frame I was in, made me shocked by what she asked.
"Yes," I muttered, not really wanting to hear her prayer.
But I listened.
Her act of prayer showed what it means for us when we choose to pray for the transgressors.
That we, too, yield ourselves wholly to the glory of the holiness and the love of the Father. Therefore, we can also say, "Your will be done, cost what it may, that we, too, will sacrifice ourselves, even to the pouring out of our souls unto death". (Murray 45)
With intercession, we are in a partnership with Christ. As such, our minds here on earth as intercessors must be in one accord with Christ in heaven.
We must have only one aim in life: that we should love the Father and the lost by consecrating our lives to intercession for God's blessing. The burning desire of Father and Son for the salvation of souls must be the burning desire of our hearts, too. (45)
Murray concludes this chapter by asking, In Christ's ultimate sacrifice of Himself, He demonstrated His great love for sinners. How can we, as His followers, show our love for those who are lost in this world?
I think the previous paragraph does a great in answering this question.
Being God-focused and Christ-focused is essential. If we can stay rooted in them, we can be walking, talking embodiments of them here on earth. With them within us, we are more likely to pray for those who are lost, more likely to listen to those who are lost, more likely to comfort those who are lost, and more likely to walk, talk, and live in a way that shines God and Jesus to all we come in contact with. And sometimes, even just that is enough. It's not about beating people into submission and making them fall in line. Our words and our actions to live a good Godly life can move others to want to follow Jesus and work on their lives in a way so that they are in accord with him.
While on Facebook, a short message from Joel Osteen came across my newsfeed; I don't find it coincidental considering I was working on this post at the time. I think it does a good job in succinctly stating what we are to do:
Your job is not to judge. Your job is not to figure out if someone deserves something. Your job is to lift the fallen, to restore the broken, and to heal the hurting.
Other Posts in The Secret of Intercession series
- "Kickstarting Intercession"
- "Day 1 - Intercession"
- "Day 2 - The Opening of the Eyes"
- "Day 3 - Man's Place in God's Plan"
- "Day 4 - Intercession in the Plan of Redemption"
- "Day 5 - God Seeks Intercessors"
- "Day 6 - Christ as Intercessor"
- "Day 7 - The Intercessors God Seeks"
- "Day 8 - The School of Intercession"
- "Day 9 - The Power in the Name of Jesus"
- "Day 10 - Prayer, the Work of the Spirit"
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