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About PUT

Updated 6/18/2020

I started PUT as a place to talk about the goings-on in my life and how my faith played a major role in those goings-on. 

In December 2010, for whatever reason, I stopped blogging in this space, and then I returned in April 2012, and then once again, I stopped, and then I picked it back up in 2013. Again, I stopped, and four years later, in 2017, I returned--only to leave again.

I had started another site and published a few posts and realized that those posts echoed what I started and continued to come back to in this space, and so now, I am returning again... almost 7 years since I began PUT...7... completion and perfection.

I hope to continue to use this space to speak my faith because every place in which I can infuse and spark my faith is another space where someone can be reached and touched and changed...and is another space where I can release those things that my Father wishes me to see, understand, learn from, and let go of, and grow and prosper!


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