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When Your Grandma and Aunt Whisper, "Holy Boldness"

I was blessed to have a grandmother with six beautiful sisters--women who were bold, funny, kind, encouraging, and faithful among so many other wonderful things.

Let's get BOLD!
In picture: back row l-r: Aunt Caroline, Aunt Lee, Grandma Audrey; front row l-r: Aunt Margie, Aunt Blanche, and Aunt Ethel; missing from pic: Aunt Edna

When my grandmother Audrey passed in 1998, one of these awesome women stepped up to encourage me along my journey: my aunt Blanche.

My Grandma Audrey and me at my B.A. graduation

My grandmother was a fervent believer of God. Never knew anyone who believed more or loved him more (though my mom is close behind her and Aunt Blanche is tied). She was the one who constantly kept me in the faith, and she was the one left heartbroken when I had my moment of disbelief in God. She wouldn't know that losing her and then my grandfather four months later would only deepen that disbelief.

My great-aunt Blanche

About a year after Grandma passed, Aunt Blanche began writing to me. She would write letters that updated me on her goings-on and giving me the inspiration to keep up with my educational pursuits. She would send me pics of her, her dogs, and my cousins. She would also send me faith-based booklets, something my grandmother used to do.

Lately, I've been in this major decluttering phase of my life. Any and everything is up for being tossed as I shed things that no longer benefit me. In one of those moments of decluttering, I came across some letters, photos, and booklets from Aunt Blanche--this one, Holy Boldness, being one of them.

She sent it to me in April 2001; however, I'm sure she had it since its 1995 publication. I imagine her strong yet delicate fingers flipping the pages as she read through this--more than once.

It was not a coincidence that I would find this booklet when I did. As I have been in this decluttering stage, I have also been honing in on diving deeper and deeper still into God, and finding this booklet is like Grandma and Aunt Blanche whispering to me, "Use this."

When I opened the booklet, on the inside of the cover was "A Prayer For Holy Boldness."

As I read it aloud, it touched me, and I nodded and thought, I'm definitely going to use this.

More to come here on Plain Upon Tablets as I read through the booklet and blog my thoughts.

SO ready to boldly go holy.


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