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Script Frenzy 2010 Winner

One thing kept me fairly sane throughout the month of April - a month where crunch time is in full effect and plenty of major projects are coming due: working on my script for Script Frenzy [LINK]. Although I'm nowhere near DONE with the script [and much cutting is in my future with it], I did manage to cross the 100-page mark needed to win Script Frenzy!

I'm really proud of myself because it's the first time I've written creatively since November with NaNoWriMo [LINK], and it's the first time in about 9 months in which I've written something that I actually want to go back to and edit and revise and submit.

Below is an excerpt for the screenplay, the screenplay of NO NAME. LOL It will have a title some day, but the one I originally had, Hell's Angel, doesn't really fit the story or character any more.

Remember, this is a VERY ROUGH, haven't looked at it at ALL draft of the script. LOL Judge accordingly if you must judge.

Here's a quick synopsis of story: A woman returns to her life after a 10-year bid for killing her husband with one thing on her mind: reuniting with the daughter who hates her.


Peighton, dressed up, is sitting at a small table in the corner, typing on a laptop.

She looks deep in thought.

Good morning, Peighton.

Peighton looks up and is none too thrilled to see Detective Deeks before her.

You look nice.

Peighton doesn’t respond.

See you’re fitting into the world quickly.

Detective Deeks points at the laptop.

I used computers in prison...while I was getting my degree, Detective.

Detective Deeks looks outside the large windows and spots a motorcycle in a parking spot. He points toward it.

Is that your cycle out there?

Peighton nods.

And you rode it here? Dressed like that?

Peighton looks up to him and nods.

There is a pause.

(clears throat)
You mind if I sit here?

Peighton shrugs.

If you must.

Detective Deeks sits, stares at Peighton.

I’ve done some research on you...

Peighton snaps her attention toward him. She’s angry.

What the hell for? I haven’t done shi...

Detective Deeks lifts his hands.

I know you haven’t. I don’t suspect you of anything.
(softer) This is about your past. About what happened to you.

And why is that any concern of yours?

Because my son is seeing your daughter, and I want to know everything about her. And that includes you.

Peighton returns her gaze to the laptop.

And I’m sorry.

Peighton eyes Detective Deeks.

For what?

For seeing you just as a murderer when I didn’t know all the facts.

(shrugs) Doesn’t matter. Most of the world goes off indicting people without knowing all the facts. Why should you be any different?

Because I work to be different. And I think you’re a good person.

And you tell me this, why?

Because I don’t want you to get hurt.

By what?

Detective Deeks sighs.

Peighton shakes her head and points in his direction.

Don’t even go there.

I know things. Things you don’t.

Peighton closes her laptop and places it in her bag. She drops money on the table and stands.

She bends to Detective Deeks’ ear.

You just can’t believe people can change, can you?

Detective Deeks turns to face Peighton. Their faces are close. There is a pause as they stare at one another.

I believe people can change. I don’t believe the people you hang out with have changed.

Peighton stands and takes a step back.

Well, they haven’t done nothing to prove me wrong yet.

Detective Deeks raises an eyebrow.

Really? Nothing?

Peighton looks away.

Just protect yourself. If things start to feel funny, protect yourself and get out of the way of danger.

Peighton gives him a parting glance. Nods.

Heard you. OK.


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