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The Devil Is a Liar, Part One

Devil's truth: Things won't come to pass

The devil tells me this a lot. Even when I know intellectually, even when I have been told by God that something is already done and on its way, the devil steps in to ask, "Are you sure?"

And like a weak human, I tilt my head to the side, looking like the RCA dog and ask, "Well, am I sure?"

And then all hell, literally, breaks loose.

This happened to me the weeks leading up to my move to Lubbock, Texas.

I had been unemployed during the summer except for my editing gigs, and money was tight. I had counted and tallied and counted, tallied again and knew I would have the money necessary for my apartment, the move, and some leftover for necessities the first few weeks.

Then things happened.

Money from my editing gigs didn't flow in like it was supposed to.

Money was needed for the household I kept up with my siblings.

People here and there needed things, and I felt compelled to help.

And with just a week before the move, I was strapped for cash and desperate.

But I knew, or thought I knew God had this moment in the bag for me. He was the one that told me to apply to Texas Tech. He was the one that told me things would be provided for me, that I would be OK.

But I doubted him because of the devil telling me "Things won't come to pass, no matter what you think God said to you."

And I chose to believe him.

And I went looking for a loan.

Terrible mistake. I had just, months before, got myself away from using any type of loan to help for quickie money, and I vowed to never go back.

But I was desperate. I was scared. I was not trusting my mind.

And as painful as it is to admit, I wasn't trusting my God.

I didn't get a loan, but what I did get was a former loaner taking money from my bank account and putting me in the negative...just two days from the move.

And I snapped. Thought it would be the third nervous breakdown of my life.

I remember crying to my brother, "I'm such a screw up. I never do the right thing. I'm stupid. I always mess up, make mistakes. No wonder nothing good ever happens to me."

Pity Party can't even convey correctly how bad off I was.

But my brother talked to me, made me laugh, made me realize that I was still alive, and as long as that was true, there was a chance for change, for something good to happen.

And it did.

Up to the very day of the move.

Money from editing gigs came in the day of the move.

My mother was able to scrounge up money to give me the day of the move.

By the time I got in the car to begin my travels, I had a money order for the rent, money for gas, and money for necessities.

The moral of this story?

The devil IS a liar. Things do come to pass.

And they only do because God said they would and because we hold fast to what God says and walks into those things he has given to us.

I was quickly humbled by this experience, realizing that it's not always for me to grab the reins of my life and dictate what's going to happen. I realize that when God tells me something, there are no words, no money more valuable than that word.

It is true.

It is the TRUTH.

And as long as I hold fast to those truths, cloak myself in God's word and his will for my life, I will learn to let go of my need to control and let God do what he needs to do for me.

Simply put: "If you believe, you will receive…" (Matthew 21:22, NIV)

Believe in God and what he says to you, what he has for you. He will never steer you wrong.


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