Day 12 of Andrew Murray's The Secret of Intercession poses the following question: Why must all our prayers of intercession be based on Christ's prayer, "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10)? Murray lays out the answer to this in a few short pages, but we get the answer in the first paragraph: "When He made man in His image, it was, above all, that man's desires were to be in perfect accord with the desires of God" .... "in the human flesh man was to be the embodiment and fulfillment of God's desires" (48). In short order, Murray tells us that man's fall set God in doing "the great work of winning man back to make the desires of God his own" so that man could once again be in perfect accord with God (48). Through Christ, that opportunity for perfect accord is at hand. "The Son, as man, said in agony and blood, ' Thy will be done ,' and made the surrender even to the point of being f...
Live. Learn. Love. Repeat. | It's not about the destination, but the journey it takes to reach the destination. This is that journey.