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Showing posts from July, 2013

Day 11 - Christ, Our Example in Intercession

I have to say that I come to Day 11 of Andrew Murray's The Secret of Intercession with some major trepidation. And it's all for fleshy reasons. With some of the heartbreaking goings on in the world these days, it's been hard for me to think Christlike. It's been hard for me to pray for some transgressors. And that's unfortunate considering this is a vital staple of being an intercessor. It's easy to pray for those we love, those who aim to do right and walk good, giving, loving paths. It's not so easy to do that for those who commit heinous crimes, those who might do any number of things we deem wrong . A few months ago, a major altercation presented itself directly where I live, and it left me shaken, scared, angry, and full of rage. After the tears washed away some of the fear, what was left was this vigilante that wanted to rip and run the streets, find the person that had shaken my world terribly, and take. him. down. Sometimes, even now, wh...

Day 10 - Prayer, the Work of the Spirit

In day 10 of Andrew Murray's book, The Secret of Intercession , he concludes with the following question: Why is it essential to be filled with the Holy Spirit before you can be an intercessor? Day 10 speaks specifically about this question. Murray starts the day with the words "Abba, Father," using them to tell us what the words meant when coming from Christ's mouth while in Gethsemane: "it was the entire surrender of Himself, even to death, so that the holy will of God's love in redemption of sinners might be accomplished" (40). Through his total surrender, through this short, yet poignant prayer, Christ "exercises the wonderful power of intercession and the power to pour down the Holy Spirit" (40). So, from the start, we see that "The Holy Spirit has been bestowed by the Father to breathe the very spirit of His Son into our hearts" (40). Christ surrendered his all, even his life, for our lives, our souls. And, as intercess...

Day 9 - The Power in the Name of Jesus

Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full....At that day ye shall ask in my name. - John 16:24, 26 Day 9 of Murray's book, The Secret of Intercession , focuses on the importance of our connection to Jesus Christ and the power that resides in that connection. Murray asserts that many Christians do not see the full understanding of what Christ says in the passage above: ... there is such a lack of knowledge of their oneness with Christ Jesus, and of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of prayer, that they do not even attempt to claim the wonderful promises Christ gives here. (36-37) But what brings that understanding is FAITH, "faith in the power of Jesus' name and in our right to use it that will give us the courage to follow on when God invites us to the holy office of intercessor" (37). In this short chapter, Murray concludes by saying that when Christians have this faith and understanding, when they know...